
Live from Japan

That's it! I am in Japan.
I'm totally out of my mind, I'm really excited. I slept a bit, 5 or 6 hours, not more. I'm totally wasted, I look like a zombie. But hell, I'm in freakin' Japan. What can you say to that? Nothing, it's simply awesome. Hell now I don't regret that cavity search anymore... still hurt a bit tho.

We took the flight from Montréal to Detroit yesterday. Then Detroit to Japan. 13 fucking hours. I can't say it was a nightmare, but hell sure close to it. Compressed with other passengers, it was hot in the plane like you can't imagine. The food was... huh... food... Even then. I still have the egg in my stomach and I have the impression it's gonna take the two full motnhs to waste them. Couldn't sleep at all. They played movies. 4 in total. Kit Kittranger (or something like that), Speed Racer, Swing Cote and Kung Fu Panda. The only use of these was to keep me more from sleeping. Horrible, simply horrible. I didn't remember movies could be that boring. Except Kung-Fu Panda.

So basically, 13 hours of flight and we land in Narita near Tokyo, exhausted, food poisoning and stinking. There we try to check-out. Yeah try. Get out of the plane, really not unhappy to walk after 13 hours sit in the plane, I'm with my brother and we both wonder where we shoud go. We follow people as much as we can, checing everywhere like two paranoide crack user, and we sure looked like ones. TO finally end in the immigration lobby. Which, of course, trouble us since we're not here to immigrate. SO we turn back, look around some more for our fixe of crack. Nothing, so we go back to the immigration lobby and there we stumble on a kind of old security agent trying to speak english. I don't know exactly what he said, but apparently we were at the right place, but we couldn't buy crack tho.
So right there we have to complete little formula paper. Detailing name, family name, flight no, passport no, and the adress where we're gonna stay.... Holy crap! My brother take the rapsheet of his family and try to write what it thinks, more or less, his the family adress. Me I search my bags as much as I can, while the old security guy who doesn't exactly speak english look at me with suspicion, or maybe he was blasé. Really can't tell, was too much afraid for my "cavities" at this moment to really notice. So I can't find my paper, I decide to go without it.

Right at this moment come the boarder security check. Say "Hello" to NiceGuy-san. Stern, callous at best, maybe a little bit agressive. He looks like he could strangle a bear single-handlely. So he checks my passport and doesn't seem to like that I don't have any adress to tell him. So I try to explain that I can't find the information and he simply keep staring at me with the killer look. OhmyfreakingodIdon'twanttogetacavitysearchpluuuuuueaszze. Then he said:"Okay, go on, welcome to Japan." But before that say hello to security check again. Put your fingers in this mahcine and smile to the camera. *click* I'm officially in the Japanese governement system now. No matter what thy'll find me and probably rape me in my sleep.

So we follow the sign with lugages on it. Our instinct was good. We find our precious bags pick them. Cool. We see the "exit" sign. We're close now. And then come the other security check. Again another sheet where I must write my name, where I come from, my flight number.... and guess what? The adress I'll stay. Crap. Fill out the form go see NiceGuy-san #2. He looks cooler, but he have this perverted look I don't like. AT least he speaks english. So I explain that I don't have the family information. He seems to udnerstand and then look at me and my brother and decide he is gonna search the lugages. No prob! Anyway nothing wrong with them. And then look at me, apparently sceptical. And I swear at this moment I had a flash of me, bent over a table while this guy put his fist in my ass. SO Niceguy-san #2 say he must search me. Oh fuck NOOOOO! He comes near me, pat me a bit here and there. Find my zippo, he finds it pretty, tell me so and then tell me :"Okay, welcome to Japan, have a nice stay." He search my brother. And we're good.

Still don't know where we going exactly, we wonder near the exit door aimlessly, and then come our savior. Kimura-san. Nice little guy, probably not older than me, or he hide it well. He show up with a nice and warming "Konichua". He look at us with a smile and say some thing:"U look tured." Yeah, can't disagree with that. He just explain to us that we can sit over there and wait there gonna fetch the bus. He put us in a bus, telling that I'll be the first to join my host family. OK. Then the bus start and I realise that I still don't have the adress.

45 minutes later, the guy stop at a kind of nowhere place, I can only see a convenience store and 3 colossal tower of 20 floors each, and the guy seems to want to let me there. huh.... no...
He spend 10 minutes trying to explain to me something, he doesn't speak english and I'm not evens ure he's talking to me in Japanese. And then what is going to be my second angel of mercy show up. Miyako-san. She simply say "Konichua" with the sweetest smile I've ever seen. Ask to the driver something about the Kudan Institute. And then she help me transport the lugage. Goes to the 15th floor, apartement one. So 1501 it is.

So officially I'm here. Miyako-san show me the apartement, my room, washroom, toilet, kitchen and everything. She doesn't speak english. But can't help to find her really warming with he kind smile. She finally ask if I'm hungry. Well, yes. We eat. And while we eat we try to speak. The funniest try to communication you'll see in your life. She have on her side a kind of, really kind of, french-japanese guide. She have all the problem in the world pronouncing the words. But she try hard and I understand. On my side I have my pocket french-japanese dictionnary that doesn't contain half the word I would like to say. 30 minutes later, and a lot of "Naniiii!", I finally understand that we are eating porc, calmar and chicken. Cool. I can't even remember the words this morning. So we try for a while to communicate after that, she shows me how the shower work. I still don't get it exactly. I'll post a picture later, if someone can help me I would appreciate greatly.

Later that evening, the third angel of mercy shows up, Aika-san, who insist that I call her Aika. She speaks english, not very well, but she still do. We spent 3 hours talking about me. Which mean, that we had a ton of scrap paper where I would right the english she doesn't understand and explain them to her. Which finally turn out to be the main point of the conversation. "Tabunne" is probably the word I heard the more, which mean maybe. She took time to precise that guy should only say "tabun" or else it will look gay. Thanks Aika, wouldn't like to pass for gay the first time I open my mouth.

After that, I was completely wasted, totally and completely wasted. Went to sleep. 6 hours and I write this.

I'll stop at that. More to come, probably later today in fact. Both Aika and Miyako are going to work this afternoon, so i'll have free time.

So 13 hours from home and live from japan,

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